PTR Holland

A marine and offshore solution provider equipped its pilot ladders with unique IDs to prevent counterfeit, ensure the safety of marine pilots, and build consumer trust.

Marine equipment
Rotterdam, the Netherlands

The customer

PTR Holland is a world-leading manufacturer of marine pilot ladders -  the specialized rope ladders that allow marine pilots to board and leave the large oceangoing vessels whose crews they assist to safely navigate port entry and exit.


PTR Holland was confronted with severe, even fatal incidents due to ladder failures. Upon inspection, those incidents were caused by substandard counterfeits sold by unscrupulous ship chandlers, pretending to be genuine PTR Holland products. The fake ladders were later identified by counterfeit name tags and serial numbers.

To address that, PTR Holland was looking for a way to protect its brand against inferior counterfeits and avoid reputational risks caused by accidents.

Simple, yet powerful solution

Seamless product authentication

A twintag (a unique QR code) on each ladder seals together the physical ladder (represented by its aluminum serial number tag), the serialized certificate for that individual ladder, and the ship on which the ladder is installed (represented by a picture of the vessel name). The seal is notarised in a blockchain to provide independent proof. Marine pilots can effortlessly verify ladder authenticity with a quick QR scan, whether on board or using PTR Holland's online registry.

process involved

Get started as easy as 1, 2, 3


A unique and unguessable Twintag QR code is attached to the ladder's aluminum tag during production, carrying specifications and the ladder's serial number.


The ladder and its serialized certificate are digitally linked through the QR code, creating a secure connection during production before being packed and shipped globally.


Onboard, the safety officer installs the ladder, scans the QR code, snaps a picture of the ship's bow, digitally sealing it with the ladder tag and certificate.

the process

From production line to market

Simple, yet powerful solution

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Seamless product authentication

A twintag (a unique QR code) on each ladder seals together the physical ladder (represented by its aluminum serial number tag), the serialized certificate for that individual ladder, and the ship on which the ladder is installed (represented by a picture of the vessel name). The seal is notarised in a blockchain to provide independent proof. Marine pilots can effortlessly verify ladder authenticity with a quick QR scan, whether on board or using PTR Holland's online registry.

What was this process like:

Results and impact

Safety assurance

Implementation of a QR code system guarantees the authenticity of PTR Holland's pilot ladders, mitigating the risk of accidents from counterfeit products and ensuring heightened safety for marine pilots.

Brand protection

Safeguarding PTR Holland's brand, the digital sealing of each ladder to its ship protects against counterfeits, therefore, enhancing reputation and building customer trust.

Efficient verification

A new verification process requires no special equipment, apps, or accounts, offering a straightforward and accessible means to verify ladder authenticity.

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One digital ID. 
Countless opportunities.