Company news
December 1, 2021

Digi-Tags and Savitas QR: Vinçotte future-proof with the help of start-up Twintag

Vinçotte and Twintag prove that beautiful things can emerge from the collaboration between start-ups and corporates.

Digi-Tags and Savitas QR: Vinçotte future-proof with the help of start-up Twintag

Vinçotte and Twintag prove that beautiful things can emerge from the collaboration between start-ups and corporates. The expertise of both companies turned out to complement each other nicely during the development of two digital applications: Digi-Tags, physical labels that provide access to all data on a particular device or machine with a QR code, and Savitas QR, a QR system that does contact detection anonymously in the fight against the coronavirus.

You can read the full article (in Flemish) on Agoria's website.

Flemish not your language? Reach out to us and we'll explain what it's all about (and try to provide you with a translation).

Alexander Carpentier

CEO of Twintag

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